Best Italian Red Wine 2000 Villa Gemma ’95
Tre Bicchieri ’92, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’97, ’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06
5 Grappoli Villa Gemma ’00 (AIS Duemilavini ’05)
5 Grappoli Villa Gemma ’03 (AIS Duemilavini ’07)
5 Grappoli Villa Gemma ’05 (AIS Duemilavini ’09)
5 Grappoli Villa Gemma ’06 (AIS Duemilavini ’10)
100 Best Wines in the World ’98, ’00, ’01
Parker points 91 / Villa Gemma 2000
Parker points 91 / Villa Gemma 2004
Parker points 90 / Villa Gemma 2005
Parker points 92+ / Villa Gemma 2006
Wine Spectator points 92 / Villa Gemma 1998
Wine Spectator points 91 / Villa Gemma 2004
Wine Enthusiast points 95 / Villa Gemma 2001
Wine Enthusiast points 90 / Villa Gemma 2000
Wine Enthusiast points 95 / Villa Gemma 2004
Gold Medals Korea Wine Challenge ’08 / Villa Gemma 2003
Silver Medals London International Wine Challenge ’08, points 95/100 / Villa Gemma 2004
Falstaff Magazine, September ’08, points 95/100 / Villa Gemma 2004
Super Tre Stelle Guida Oro I Vini Veronelli ’09 / Villa Gemma 2005
Wine Enthusiast Top Cellar Selection Wines of ’09, points 95 / Villa Gemma
Falstaff Magazine July ’10, points 95 / Villa Gemma 2005