The Chronicle of Grappa:
From its origins, Italian grappa is a drink of the rural population of Veneto. Here the feudal lords and parishes owned the best vineyards, the poor farmers and day laborers were left only with the pressed pomace, the unusable residue of winemaking. The farmers then came up with the idea of distilling the pomace to make a strong, coarse schnapps. Grappa is originally at home in the northern regions of Italy. However, since grappa has changed from being a substitute for the poor to a fashionable drink, other provinces have also started to distill their pomace. Grappa is a typical product of the land and its wine. Grappa from Piedmont tastes different than in Veneto and in Friuli different than in Trentino. Meanwhile, Grappa also includes wine distillates, which have a very soft taste and are of the highest quality.
From its origins, Italian grappa is a drink of the rural population of Veneto. Here the feudal lords and parishes owned the best vineyards, the poor farmers and day laborers were left only with the pressed pomace, the unusable residue of winemaking. The farmers then came up with the idea of distilling the pomace to make a strong, coarse schnapps. Grappa is originally at home in the northern regions of Italy. However, since grappa has changed from being a substitute for the poor to a fashionable drink, other provinces have also started to distill their pomace. Grappa is a typical product of the land and its wine. Grappa from Piedmont tastes different than in Veneto and in Friuli different than in Trentino. Meanwhile, Grappa also includes wine distillates, which have a very soft taste and are of the highest quality.
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